iPad Training

Posted on: September 10th, 2018

Does using your iPad or tablet leave you feeling confused? Would you like to learn to be able to connect with family and friends online, pay bills, or just enjoy television programmes and books?

Engage with Age is offering iPad training for older people. Facilitated by staff from the A and I Goodbody Solicitors practice, we are able to offer a four-session programme to help you navigate your way around your device. Before you know it, you’ll be an IT and internet wiz!

To join in contact Cathy Chambers on 07468 695593 or email cathy.chambers@engagewithage.org.uk

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Engage with Age can accept referrals of individual older people aged 50+ who are at risk of loneliness and social isolation, inviting them to participate in group activities. Engage with Age offers one-to-one telephone befriending support for individual older people but does not currently provide in person visits to individual older people. To make a referral please complete the on-line Referral Form and submit or alternatively please print off a copy of the PDF Referral Form and send it to us. See also the Referral Criteria for details of who can be referred.

Referral Form Referral Criteria