Marianne Skelcher, Chairperson

Posted on: January 17th, 2010

Marianne worked in the public and not for profit sectors in England.  She undertook executive roles in Human Resources with housing associations, and non-executive  roles with the NHS, and SMEs.  Prior to retirement Marianne ran her own consultancy business specialising in leadership coaching, governance, strategic reviews and board effectiveness.  Marianne was a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and a Fellow of the Institute of Directors.  Having retired, Marianne moved to Belfast to be near family.

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Engage with Age can accept referrals of individual older people aged 50+ who are at risk of loneliness and social isolation, inviting them to participate in group activities. Engage with Age offers one-to-one telephone befriending support for individual older people but does not currently provide in person visits to individual older people. To make a referral please complete the on-line Referral Form and submit or alternatively please print off a copy of the PDF Referral Form and send it to us. See also the Referral Criteria for details of who can be referred.

Referral Form Referral Criteria