Engage with Age sends best wishes to everyone for a wonderful 2025.
What better way to start the year than by signing up to receive our PAL Gazette Newspaper.
The PAL Gazette is published every month. It is written by older people, for older people and it is packed full of articles, information on opportunities for older people, quizzes, recipes, crafting and more. The gazette is a printed paper that is currently posted free of charge to 1,500 older people in Belfast and circulated online far and wide.
It’s free to sign up. If you would like to join the PAL Gazette mailing list, email info@engagewithage.org.uk or telephone 028 9073 5696.
If you would like to look at previous editions of The PAL Gazette, click this link to be taken to the Gazette pages on this website: https://engagewithage.org.uk/media/pal-gazette/
The PAL Gazette is funded by the Community Fund of the National Lottery.