The PAL Gazette

The PAL Gazette was originally produced during the C0vid-19 pandemic as a way to keep in contact with older people who aren’t online. It is a physically printed paper that is posted to older people across Belfast and delivered to supported housing and nursing homes.  The paper is also emailed and published on social media.

Written by older people, The PAL Gazette is a source of news articles, items of interest, crafting, recipes and competitions.  Initially produced fortnightly at the height of the Pandemic, The PAL Gazette is now produced monthly.  There have been occasional breaks in production, though now over 40 editions have been published.  Every month The PAL Gazette reaches 1,500 through the printed version, plus an additional 1,000 people through email and social media.

The PAL Gazette July 2024

The PAL Gazette June 2024

The PAL Gazette May 2024

The PAL Gazette April 2024

The PAL Gazette March 2024

The PAL Gazette February 2024

The PAL Gazette January 2024

The PAL Gazette December 2023

The PAL Gazette November 2023

The PAL Gazette October 2023

The PAL Gazette September 2023

The PAL Gazette August 2023

The PAL Gazette July 2023

The PAL Gazette June 2023

The PAL Gazette May 2023

The PAL Gazette April 2023 issue 36

The PAL Gazette March 2023

The PAL Gazette February 2023

The PAL Gazette January 2023

The PAL Gazette December 2022

PAL Gazette November 2022

The PAL Gazette October 2022

The PAL Gazette September 2022

The PAL Gazette August 2022

The PAL Gazette July 2022

The PAL Gazette June 2022

The PAL Gazette May 2022

The PAL Gazette April 2022

The PAL Gazette March 2022

The PAL Gazette Late January 2022

The PAL Gazette Early January 2022

The PAL Gazette December 2021

The PAL Gazette October 2021

The PAL Gazette September 2021

The PAL Gazette August 2021

The PAL Gazette July 2021

The PAL Gazette June 2021

The PAL Gazette May 2021

The PAL Gazette April 2021  

The PAL Gazette February 2021

The PAL Gazette December 2020

The PAL Gazette August 2020

The PAL Gazette July 2020

The PAL Gazette June 2020

The PAL Gazette 30th May 2020

The PAL Gazette 2nd May 2020

The PAL Gazette April 2020

The PAL Gazette March 2020

Engage with Age can accept referrals of individual older people aged 50+ who are at risk of loneliness and social isolation, inviting them to participate in group activities. Engage with Age offers one-to-one telephone befriending support for individual older people but does not currently provide in person visits to individual older people. To make a referral please complete the on-line Referral Form and submit or alternatively please print off a copy of the PDF Referral Form and send it to us. See also the Referral Criteria for details of who can be referred.

Referral Form Referral Criteria